Front end Web Developer
A front end web developer. I completed several courses in HTML, CSS, javascript, bootstrap, SQL, PHP & WordPress. Also I have coding skills in c++, java & C# programming language.
It was a 2-years journey of my high school life. Completed this level from Natural science dept. Got National Exam GPA: 482. 0 out of 700
It was wonderfull time in my life. Finally completed and certified this level by having a great acheivment & it's the stage of my life.
After the National exam,I joined Wolkite university and get good subjects from my science dept. And finally I have to keep up my study so i got admission in Information Sytems. I feel happy cause it's helped me to find job.
After getting graduated in B.s Information Systems . I will ready to join a best company by gods will.
I will always interested with it. That will be my inspiration to complete everything in php, mysql etc. Now I am certified web developer,Python programming,, Atrificial Intellegence & wordpress expert. Now i am doing regularly practice of my work.